Make sure you hire professionals. Check out the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration website to find out if the company you are considering is properly licensed and registered. Our DOT number is 151755. It is also a good idea to run a check on your moving company at the Better Business Bureau website and make sure they have a good rating. You can also further investigate the company you are interested in using by checking out their company website, read reviews, and visit their Facebook page.
There are a lot of movers out there, but few are performing relocation trips during holidays. Luckily, we do! And here’s more good news, Reliable Van & Storage offers discounted rates during the winter months!
2. Change Your Address.
Holiday cards are sent out in the billions over the holiday season. Instead of buying separate cards for a moving announcement, use these cards to share your new address with friends and family.
In addition to friends and family, there are a number of businesses, such as your bank, that also need to be notified of your address change. Be sure you do so early. Business hours change a lot during the holidays and some will have days they are closed. Be sure your address change is processed by notifying every organization that needs your new address well in advance.
3. Don't Be a Grinch!
Don’t let the moving process damper your spirit. Play holiday music while packing and do your best to create a festive atmosphere – yes, even while moving.
4. Cheer Up the Kids.
Holiday relocation with your children is quite a tricky situation. It can be a good idea to move with your kids during holidays, as they won’t miss classes.
But keep in mind that all kids need time to adjust and especially for teenagers moving is a really stressful experience. However, you can make your holiday move much more pleasant. Encourage your kids to get involved in the holiday relocation. Let them help with the packing. Discuss the new opportunities that are waiting for all of you at the new place. After all, it’s a fresh start. If you have young children, put together a box of age-appropriate holiday coloring books, puzzles and other activities to keep them occupied. Also make sure they understand that Santa will find them in their new home.
5. Get Creative While Packing.
Decorate your home using your boxes. This way you won’t have to pack away your decorations. The closer you get to the date of the move, the more boxes are sure to be laying around the house.
Decorate the boxes with colorful markers or stickers, you can even stack the boxes into a triangle shape and draw a tree!
6. Gear Up.
Many places across the United States experience cold, snowy weather during the holidays. Reliable Van & Storage are experts when it comes to moving families during the cold winter months; after all, we have over 90 years of experience! We offer full service moving, but if you opt to do some of the work yourself, make sure to gear up! Prepare yourself with supplies to help you load and unload in the wintery conditions. Make sure you have sturdy snow boots and gloves with good grips so you can be prepared for slippery surfaces as you load and unload.
7. Enjoy Your New Community.
Spending the holiday season in an unfamiliar city can seem kind of sad. However, it can also be a great opportunity to explore your new home town and to meet people you wouldn’t encounter other times of the year. Most cities host special events, concerts and light displays during the Christmas season that make great family activities. Churches, too, are especially inviting during the Advent season.
Still have questions? Call Us!
The moving experts at Reliable Van & Storage are also ready to answer any questions you have about holiday moves. Give us a call at 908-352-5300. Remember, it is the people in our lives that make the holiday season a special time of year, not the place we live. Happy Holidays from our family to yours.
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