You may be wondering what it’s like to perform a virtual in-home estimate with a Reliable Van & Storage representative. Just like any other in-home estimate, a virtual in-home estimate helps our agents determine how many possessions you have and what you are moving.
Read MoreNJWMA COVID-19 Update: 3/25/20 We received the following Best Practices recommendations from movers how they protect employees as much as possible on every move. • We sanitize the cabs of our trucks in the AM and between each job.
Read MoreMarch 21, 2020 Notice to all Licensed New Jersey Movers: We have been notified by the Governor's office that movers are NOT subject to the Executive Order of non-essential businesses.
Read More🚚 Reliable Van & Storage is taking extra precaution to prevent the Corona virus spread. Some measures we are taking include: Virtual Estimates Each member of our sales team has at least 10 years of experience in the industry.
Read MoreYES.Reliable Van & Storage is still running business as usual. Moving is considered an essential service at both the state and federal level. Despite shutdowns among businesses and shelter-in-place orders in many states, many people still need to move.
Read MoreHow peak season affects you. Moving an entire household can be a complex task. It needs to be planned, sometimes months in advance. It is important to know the impacts of peak season so you will know just what to expect come moving time.
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